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PSO J318.5-22 - Visit the Planet with No Star, Where the Nightlife Never Ends - NASA JPL Space Tourism Poster

Visions of the Future From JPL

Available for free download from the JPL website, we've decided to save you a few steps and offer these online at the same cost as our normal sized posters. Printed with the same high quality process we use for all of our other printing, these posters are sure to win the hearts of all who gaze upon them!

Check out the rest here!

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From JPL: "Discovered in October 2013 using direct imaging, PSO J318.5-22 belongs to a special class of planets called rogue, or free-floating, planets. Wandering alone in the galaxy, they do not orbit a parent star. Not much is known about how these planets come to exist, but scientists theorize that they may be either failed stars or planets ejected from very young systems after an encounter with another planet. These rogue planets glow faintly from the heat of their formation. Once they cool down, they will be dancing in the dark."


Hold tight! Templates section is coming soon...

File Requirements


  • To print properly, all files need to have a minimum of 150 PPI (pixels per inch) resolution at 100% size.
  • Files uploaded with a lower resolution will likely be pixelated or blurred.
  • There's no real effective way to drastically increase the resolution of an image through software without making the image look poor.

File Size & Bleed

  • If possible, it's wise to build your file the size that you want it printed.
  • For standard posters (using the crop tool) we generate bleed dynamically, so there's no need to provide it.
  • If you are using "Print Ready" products and require bleed, you'll need to include that in your file.
  • Typically you'll want to provide 1/8" bleed on all sides, with no crop marks or non printing marks on your file.

File Type

  • For all standard posters, we accept only JPG or TIFF files
  • For "Print Ready" posters, we can accept JPG, TIFF, PDF and archived files like ZIP or SIT.
    * Please note: If you send a multi-page PDF, only the first page will be printed.

Color Space

  • We will convert all files to CMYK before printing.
  • If you have color critical art, convert to CMYK so that you can witness andy possible color shift by doing so.
  • Modern browsers typically do not render CMYK images correctly, so if you see incorrect colors on the preview this does not affect the print file.

Scaling Option - Available on "Print Ready" Products only.

This only pertains to the "Print Ready Files" products. These products are for professionals only. If the terms used below are not familiar to you, you are likely in the wrong place. Please select a size from the Standard Posters category.

  • No Scaling Option

    Choose this option if you want to submit a full bleed image or avoid automatic scaling on smaller images. now offers sizes from 8 x 10 up to 24 x 36. now offers sizes from 8 x 10 up to 24 x 36.

    Selecting this option will ensure that no scaling will happen on your image - it will print the image at 100% size. For instance, if you choose an 18 x 24 size poster, and you upload an image that is 10" x 10", the final print will be sized 18 x 24 with your 10" x 10" image centered on the page.

    Alternatively, this also means that if you select an 18 x 24 size poster and upload an 18 x 24 size file with 1/8" bleed (the full size of the file would be 18.25" x 24.25"), then you are effectively getting a full bleed poster.

    With this option, you can also submit an image, of the correct size, with full bleed and crop marks and the crop marks will be out of the print area. Again, this is only possible if you submit a correctly formatted and sized image on the appropriate sized poster.

  • Stretch to Fit - No Margin Option

    Choose this option if you want your image to be scaled/stretched to fit the full print area. now offers sizes from 8 x 10 up to 24 x 36.

    Selecting this option will scale the image, regardless of the size, to fill the entire print area.

    For instance, if you have chosen the 8" x 10" size and have uploaded a 6" x 6" file - your image will be stretched to fill the entire print area. By stretched, we mean distorted and probably not what you want.

    Obviously, you want to supply an image that is near the size that you have chosen, so that minimal stretching occurs.

  • Scale Proportionately to Fit - 1/2" Margin Option

    Choose this option if you want your image to be scaled proportionately, but want a 1/2" margin of white. now offers sizes from 8 x 10 up to 24 x 36.

    Selecting this option will scale the image proportionately to fit the max print area. The print area is 1/2" less on all sides than the size you have selected.

    As an example, if you have chosen the 8 x 10 size, the image area is 7" x 9" (1/2" on all sides)

    All images are scaled proportionately. So, if you have chosen the 8 x 10 size and uploaded a 6" x 6" file, your image will be scaled to 7" x 7" and centered on the page.